Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lets get unhinged

Slick Willy strikes again..........
....."""Former President Clinton said he sees parallels in the mood of the country now and in April 1995, when 'an unhinged right wing populace' voted overwhelmingly Republican, giving the GOP a net gain of 54 seats in the House and 8 seats in the Senate while he was in the White House.""""

Well he said something a little different, but if anything has changed since 1995 it is the sophistication of the average citizens political perception; Willy's barely concealed Freudian Slip is as obvious as his vitriolic DNA on the blue dress of a star-struck intern. Even Ben Roethlisberger can figure that one out.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Russian TEA Party

Nod to Glenn Reynolds


Glenn Reynolds idea of "An Army of Davids" is basically about media technology empowering willing every day regular people to become whistle blowers who can have a substantial impact. He even wrote a book about it:
An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths

Fear this, you bastards!

Anyone with a working brain or some semblance of a mind which they dare call their own heed this:

The Individual vs the Collective- this little treasured principle that Libertarians keep locked away in some abyssal, far-away ideological fortress nestled in the most distant and marginal political mountains shrouded by the nimbus of aged and rusty epistemology:

The Individual vs the Collective- the relic that Libertarians occasionally allow Conservatives and Republicans to glimpse, and in a glimpse be inspired to great heights of magisterial hypocrisy, articulated as The Individual American Citizen vs the Collectivist Federal Government.

Here I have slipped past the guards, slit the watchman's throats, and from slit throats have put my hands on the priceless treasure, which I deliver now, to you. It is YOURS after all.

You have been told truths, but only half of the truth. The Individual is indeed the Individual, but the Collective is far more than the simple, stumbling, stupid, Federal Government. The Collective is also the Uber-Corporations. International Companies that somehow, by some trick, have been afforded all of the legal rights that our American Constitution recognizes as belonging to the Individual alone.

The Collective fears, more than anything else, that you, the individual, will discover this fact. That you will lay your eyes upon the treasure and be bold enough to claim it as your own. That you will realize that the boot on your neck contains not only the foot of the Federal Government, but also that of the massive, Government-Like Corporations.

They fear worse than anything that Libertarians and the Conservative movement overall will see beyond the half-truth that it has been consuming for many decades now, that it will realize that Big Brother comes at least as much from Wall Street as he comes from Washington DC.

What a terrible sight, this priceless treasure, when finally you lay your own eyes on it. When something is described to you, be it through words, or images or sounds, your experience of the thing is determined almost entirely by the will of the narrator, so that the difference between the narrative and your knowledge of the thing is almost entirely nil.

They are coming, many of them, and they come quick and in force. Old habits of thought, miserable comfortable convention, the half-truths, and the guards we have slipped by for now. What will you do? Will you be an obedient statistic, give the treasure back over to them, go back to your world of little boxes (house, cubical, car, classroom, computer, television, radio) and enjoy the simple narrative that you have been lulled with for so long?

Or will you take this precious gift, the tempered, razor sharp steel of our fore-fathers Will, and stand by my side and cut the liars down as they come?

sshhhh, the hour is late and They are upon us. Shrink back to your numb world of pop-political porn and faux individuality, lay comfortably in your little box of unrealized integrity, your unrealized dream, until you lay forever in a dreamless sleep, the world never even knowing or caring that you were here.

Do not underestimate the Will of an inflamed populace

Really big things happen when those in power underestimate the rage and resolve of an inflamed populace.

A Government overthrown.

Lessons from Dad: trust no one and don't smile so much

In short: The world is full of gutless cocksuckers who will smile and shake your hand in one moment and put a knife in your back the next.

Early 70's Barbershop with my Dad, a mixture of scents in the heavy air- hanging with the smoke, Brylcreem, cigar, pipe tobacco and cigarette, hairy muscular forearms with archaic faded tattoos, black, immaculately polished shoes, gruff voices, gruffer laughter, jazz and wistful crooners crackling in the background from the am dial of an old single-speaker radio, lined faces, deep intense eyes, stacks of yellowing magazines with a mysterious 'special' pile on the distant table that young eyes such as mine weren't meant to see, an L-shaped red bench with massive curved, seamless padding and curved chrome armrests.

It seemed like a gritty place for a soft kid like me, yet even then I could feel that this place and its inhabitants were fading from the world just as the war-time tattoos were fading from the tanned arms of the men around me.

The wait seemed to last forever, and as each person left the barber chair, everyone moved a spot down on the bench. I didn't mind waiting, this place was a palace of detail, full of rich smells, sounds, colors and stories. My Father always went first and always seemed a little aggravated by the end of his cut despite the cheerful nature of the barber.

I was next, and other than the horrible smell of the barber's breath, I could never see what was so annoying about the experience. It was cool to be in The Chair and be the focus, for even a second, of the men in the shop, "Fine boy you have there Carl," they would say to my dad and which he would acknowledge with only a nod of his head and a polite if stern, "Thank you".

One day we went to the barbershop and as my dad stepped in the door he looked at the barber, paused for a second, and violently kicked over one of the end-tables, magazines and an old hat went flying across the floor with the table which ended up on its side against the barber chair, and my father said, "The prick wanted a haircut, you bastard!".

The place fell silent and all eyes were on my father who I was sure had gone insane. I had seen my father do violence before when doing so stood to reason, and there he was with the same rage on his blood-red face, but this time to no apparent reason at all. "Well!?" said my father in expectation of some rebuttal, some form of counter-attack, but getting only the confused fearful gaze of the barber. His murderous gaze swept slowly over the silent L-shaped row of men, and when he still was met with silence, he said "Lets go" and we left.

I knew better than to even speak at that moment so I held my tongue and put my mind to wonder where we would go next. Some years later, I asked him what happened and this is what he said:

"For years I go Rusty the barber and sit in that chair and get the same haircut, and for years, each time the door opened, Rusty would lean down and whisper in my ear, 'What does this prick want?'. Then Rusty would act like the person was his best friend, 'How ya doin, good to see ya! Have a seat and I'll be right with ya', flashing that big stupid grin.

"Well I had enough of it, because every time I walked in the door I could see him lean over and whisper something in the ear of the guy in the chair, and I knew what he was whispering. So I finally told him what I thought. I shoulda done it long before that. Let me tell you son, if they do it with you, they probably do it to you also. And don't smile so much kid, you can't trust people who always are smiling because they are either simple-minded or are ready to put a knife in your back."

So goes the timeless wisdom of a bye-gone era. Over the years it makes more and more sense why my dad was always such a pissed off prick, and sometimes I wonder if I am not becoming more and more like that. To this day I wonder if there is any humanity left in him, old as stone and just as hard. I wonder until I see him with his grand-kids, my kids, and I see a man so gentle and kind (yet strict!) with a softness in his eyes and soul that the many hard years could not extinguish.

It's very simple- be soft with the soft ones and hard with the hard ones, your wifes arms, your children's trust, home is the only place for even a little vulnerability and softness. The other moral is that the ones who, in your company, do wrong by others, will certainly do wrong by you while in the company of others.

The "new workplace"

"How We'll work in 2025" looks like a combination of the bright plastic cheesiness of a Mcdonalds Playland with the 'awkward and forced socialization' design of a Borders Bookstore. Little boxes are little boxes regardless of much we try to make them look like the toddler reading rooms of a local library.

The real Right-Wing begins to step forward

The left-wing establishment would like to paint all right-wingers, the entire tea-party movement, and any militia group as dangerous racists spewing hatred for minority groups and religions, and planning campaigns of terrorism across the country.

Yet, as it turns out, the real right wing is stepping forward and it happens to be both quiet housewives from Idaho and militias. Yet somehow the quiet housewives are not robotic stepford wives, and the militias are not neo-nazis. In fact, in the case of the famous Michigan Militia, one of the brigade commanders initiated a call to the authorities to aid in the arrest of an actually dangerous group.

Who is this man?

Is he:

  1. A neonazi skinhead?

  2. A wacked out far-right militia nut?

  3. A Muslim commited to American Values?

Suprise, he is #3. Neither the tea-party nor the militia movement is nearly as "angry white wasp" as leftist establishment media would have you believe. However, they ARE angry, ACTUAL everyday Americans. They, WE, represent the greatest actual threat to the leftist Establishment, and that is exactly what they fear. Fear for them, hope for us. We will prevail.

more later...

"This is not reality" is now Reality.

CEO schools talk show host in the reality of the world today:

George Carlin fills us in on what we know but don't want to hear

This is reality

This is Congressman Hank Johnson stating, with absolute sincerity, that he fears the ISLAND OF GUAM will tip over if it receives 8,000 Marines and their families. He appears totally stoned out of his mind, "..uh the environment and stuff, concerns you know" but this is obviously what the guy really thinks and believes his concerns are entirely valid.

This is congressman Phil Hare saying he doesn't know or care if the Constitution provides Congress with the power to force people to buy Healthcare. Citing the Declaration of Independence he says "...well I believe it says something about life liberty and the pursuit of happiness", when he is told that is the Declaration of Independence and NOT the Constitution he says, "...whatever, its the same thing". Apparently Mr. Hare thinks that any old document gives Congress its legislative powers, and doesn't realize that those powers are derived solely from the Constitution. Hare obviously knows less about the Constitution, his duties as Congressmen, and the nature of the office its self, than do most of his constituency.

Conspiracy Theories

The gripping thing about conspiracy theories is how apt they actually are. Many Conspiracy Theories fairly accurately describe the development of an ongoing situation in the world. The problem is, the theorists make the mistake of thinking these situations develop intentionally. Mostly, they do not.

This is like Intelligent Design vs Evolution, two opposing views on the same topic. The difference is that at least Intelligent Design ideology is counter-balanced by Evolution theory. There is no such counter-balance to Conspiracy Theories. If there were, they may be much more valid as actual methods of research and articulation of how society and civilization evolves, and why it evolves that way. But as it is, there is no such balance. God bless Alex Jones, if only our problems were so simple.

Why we need the old Dons back

There was once a day when 'organized crime' simply meant a tight knit group of neighborhood strong men. They would run numbers and involve themselves in relatively minor rackets- no one really got screwed by these schemes and the strong men would simply 'take a cut off the top'. They were brutal men who wore suits and ties, took pride in their appearance, their traditions of family and brotherhood.

These strong men would host lavish community festivals and destroy any man who crossed them. But no one really had a reason to cross them and their brutality was reserved almost entirely to their own, other men within the same organization who had broken with tradition. If you had a problem in the community, you went to these guys and they would ether mediate a solution or implement a hard-nosed practical resolution.

(Video Caption: an old-school German Strong-Man of apparently high rank is being interviewed by a film crew about his efforts to revitalize the area, the money he put into it, the changes he made, the various clubs and shops he owns-he seems to own them all. He is rudely interrupted by some riff-raff talking non-sense. The Gentleman gives the riff-raff the opportunity to leave and when this is numbly declined, he does what any strong-man wanting to keep riff-raff of his block would do. )

These strong men had all the local cops and government officials paid off. Crime and Government are always inexorably linked. The more powerful the Government, the more widespread and organized the crime. Authority when it is localized facilitates localized crime (the strong men), authority when it is monolithic, facilitates monolithic crime. Those truths are part of the reason why minimal, self-limiting government is always best. There is something of an organized crime-government complex that is absolutely true in every case, anywhere you look where there is government. The differences between organized crime and government are surprisingly few and many people would argue that any State which derives its legitimacy from anything other than the sovereignty of the individual citizen, is a criminal entity in its self.

There was a point in time (or maybe this 'point; is actually even timeless), a point in American History that government authority became less local and more federal. Accordingly as Government authority become more federalized, so to did organized crime. The strong men in suits on the corner, for the most part, have been rounded up and put away. They are replaced by weak men in suits on Wall Street, a gang not so tough but simply shrewd and politically well connected. Want to see the actual historical process unfold before your eyes in news clips and video? Look no further than Rudy Giuliani s crusade against the mafia. He did no less than root out the Little Corruption of Strong Men to clear the way for Big Corruption by Weak Men.

These new Dons, the wall-street bankers and their gang, unlike their predecessors, can care less about their communities, about any kind of pride or tradition. Their "cut off the top", is the to the tune of nine trillion dollars. They are blindly committed to filling their own pockets with cash. Their buttonmen, their enforces, the thugs that carry out their orders and enforce their decrees are no longer the suit-wearing strongmen who open doors for old ladies and toss trouble-makers off the block, instead they now wear badges and black uniforms and put the old ladies in jail while doing everything they can to avoid offending the troublemakers on the block.

The depth and magnitude of the corruption and dishonor of the new organized crime cartel of bankers and big business executives is so great that I believe the American popular fascination with the "old school mobster" derives not from the old-school mobster as a celebration of vice and violence, but rather from the old-school mobster as a symbol of relative innocence.

One thing they, the new cartel, do not know that the old-schoolers do know- the thing that will be their ultimate undoing: The People instinctively recognize that some small degree of corruption is inevitable and is part of the price paid for clean, safe communities and good jobs, and order in the neighborhood. But once this degree of corruption passes a certain mark, once the communities are no longer clean, no longer safe, once the jobs are no longer good and once order is lost in the neighborhood, the people's tolerance of corruption ceases and they rise up to cast down their oppressors.

"No more Butchy, no more of this..."

American Nationalism II (summary)

Summary of what American Nationalism means:

I. That the Bill of Rights defines/limits the powers of the State, that the Bill of Rights does NOT define/limit the rights of individual American Citizens.

II. That ONLY individual American Citizens sovereignty is protected, and that this sovereignty and its State protections are NOT extended to any entity that is not an individual American Citizen. They are not extended to

  1. Any individual in times of war or peace who is not an American Citizen.

  2. Any corporation.

  3. Any ethnic, religious, social, philosophical, sexual, or other group

III. That all actions taken by any branch of the American Government are to be taken in the service, and on the behalf of, the individual American Citizen.

What this all means in very practical terms for International Corporations:

  1. Business Corporations wishing to take advantage of the pro-business American legal system, and basing its self on American land must conduct its self in a way that does not interfere with the ambition of the American Citizen to pursue happiness as he freely defines it. A company basing its self in America must have a total global workforce of no less than 80% American Citizens and likewise the American Corporations total global business-to-business trade must be composed of at least 80% American Corporations.

  2. A National or International Service, Retail or Manufacturing corporation with more than 10% National market share can only expand into geographic regions which are either non-served or under-served by locally owned business providing the same service. Example- an International Big-Box retail Giant like Wal-Mart could not expand into an area that is already adequately served by a locally owned retail store or chain.

What this all means in terms of National Security and Immigration:

  1. All persons wishing to become American Citizens must pass a rigorous series of tests which will confirm their personal loyalty to the People of the United States, an ability to speak English, a knowledge of American history and culture.

  2. Border Security will be oriented around the principle that all non-legal attempts to enter the geographic borders of the Nation are attempts against the Sovereignty of the United States of America.

  3. Any non-American Citizen within a locality from which hostile action against an American Citizen (including soldiers etc) is initiated will be considered an enemy of the United States of America and will be subject to whatever measures Military or Police authorities decide will best protect The United States of America and all of its citizens from further hostile actions.

What this all means in terms of Domestic Policy:

  1. Each individual citizen being its own Sovereign, all laws prohibiting the possession of any currently illegal substance, drug, material, firearm or object, will be immediately repealed.

  2. All current Federal Taxes will be repealed and permanently nullified by Constitutional Amendment, to be replaced by a National Sales Tax of 35% on all non-food, non-fuel, and non-shelter items and services. EVERYONE, regardless of their income, will be required to pay.

  3. All Natural Resources not currently privately owned will be open to exploration and development by American Citizens and Corporations.

More later.......

American Nationalism I

Nationalism is not a difficult thing to understand or experience, once the idea its self is separated from the emasculated and ultimately crippled context of 21st century cultural European-American worldview. "This soil, saturated with the tears, blood, and bones of my Fathers, is the Land on which I forge my own destiny and that of my family."

This means the idea of Nationalism is based on the idea of family, and not just the origins of family but on the continuation and evolution of family. From this basis the idea of Nation is associated with the idea of race.

America is perhaps the first Nation to manifest a non-racial ethnicity. Individuality orients the Nation at least as much as does family. That is one of the truly original and incredibly substantial facts that almost everyone overlooks when thinking about America.

The Founding Documents (Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights etc) address no social unit other than the individual American. These documents constitute a State which derives its legitimacy from the sovereignty of the individual, and from no other entity, group, class, or race; "America, the land which each man is free to become his own King". Individual Sovereignty is what truly sets America apart from every other Nation on earth. It is the result of thousands of years cultural evolution, and the best part is that it is still evolving and we may take part in that evolution.

What does American Nationalism mean right now? It simply means that each individual identify themselves as their own sovereign entity, and commits to those principles which constitute the State that facilitates Individual Sovereignty.

In plain English, it means Americans for America and none other. The Founding Fathers of America understood that the State was essentially all-powerful, that it held control over lethal force, commerce, information, everything. The aim of The Founding Fathers (in their infinite wisdom), was to Constitute a State around the principle of self-limitation.

That is, to create an entity whose primary purpose is the limitation of its self and of other entities (foreign or domestic) that could possibly wield power equivalent to the State its self. After all, what good would a self-limiting entity called "State" be, if a different, non self-limiting entity assumed the 'all-mighty' controlling powers of the State?

This is the crux of nearly every issue currently on the table. Some call themselves 'progressives' and seek to remove the self-limiting function and purpose of the State and give it the sovereignty that belongs only to the individual, the American Citizen. Some call themselves 'capitalists' and seek to nourish and continue to grow non-self limiting, monolithic entities which themselves have powers of control over the people equal at least to any State. The American Citizens are caught between these two seemingly opposed political movements and by them, are divided against themselves.

What, again, does this all mean right here and right now? What does it mean to you? The 'progressive' calls for greater State regulation of the aforementioned monolithic entities by removing the self-limiting function of the State, but in doing so they also seek control over you, telling you what you must buy, where you must buy it, and how much you will pay for it. The 'capitalist' calls for full implementation of the self-limiting function of the State in order to allow the non-state monolithic entities to grow in power and control that dwarfs any State, but in doing so they also seek control over you, by destroying commercial competition and the ability of any individual to attain actual financial freedom, or sovereignty of ones self.

The capitalist seeks merely to create a different kind of State that has no limitations, and which they will refuse to call a State, but none the less this "non-state" monolith exercises greater and greater control over all of our lives.

The worst of all possible worlds, and what we seem to be moving towards, is an unlimited State working in tandem with a non-state entity of likewise unlimited power. I believe that is called fascism.

Learning from Badu and Hayek

"""""""""At a time when most movements that are thought to be progressive advocate further encroachments on individual liberty, those who cherish freedom are likely to expend their energies in opposition. In this they find themselves much of the time on the same side as those who habitually resist change. In matters of current politics today they generally have little choice but to support the conservative parties. But, though the position I have tried to define is also often described as "conservative," it is very different from that to which this name has been traditionally attached. There is danger in the confused condition which brings the defenders of liberty and the true conservatives together in common opposition to developments which threaten their ideals equally. It is therefore important to distinguish clearly the position taken here from that which has long been known - perhaps more appropriately - as conservatism......Let me now state what seems to me the decisive objection to any conservatism which deserves to be called such. It is that by its very nature it cannot offer an alternative to the direction in which we are moving. It may succeed by its resistance to current tendencies in slowing down undesirable developments, but, since it does not indicate another direction, it cannot prevent their continuance.""""""""""""""""

-FA Hayek

"""""They who play it safe are quick to assassinate what they do not understand-
They move in packs, ingesting more and more fear with every act of hate on one another they feel more comfortable in groups, less guilt to swallow.
They are us, this is what we have become: afraid to respect the individual. A single personal event or circumstance can move one to change, to evolve and love themselves."""""

-Erykah Badu

yes the word that bleeds out of her head at the end of the video is "group think".

How often do the principles of an old-school "Conservative" such as Hayek exist in such harmony with those of a contemporary "Liberal" such as Badu? More often than what you'd think because both "conservative" and "liberal" are fabricated terms used to divide us against ourselves through the popular vices of lazy intellectual and moral habit. Why these seemingly divergent principles are in such actual harmony is because both are fundamentally American- they both demand that the individual person take account of their humanity as individuals and be bold enough to not be ruled or lead by simple 'group think'.

Dead On

"You can’t build a free-market economy atop a centrally planned credit-allocation system." -Nicole Gelinas

I really really want this

from Datamancer

A Ruler is No Leader

To rule... to maintain power by facilitating and/or coercing the dependency of others upon ones self. "Do as I say, not as I do". To a Ruler, Superiority means depriving others of power; it means limiting other people so the Ruler is superior by contrast.

To lead... to maintain power by facilitating the independence of ones self with such success that the method of facilitation is emulated by others- they follow the Leader voluntarily. "Do as I do, for I do it the best". To a Leader, Superiority means only that the Leader is superior now to what he once was. It means following the creed, "If each time I try I do my best, then my best gets better with each time I try".

Acting on that creed means that who one is now, is superior to who one was in the past, and that is the standard, the contrast. Measuring ones self now against who one was before, and what one had accomplished in the past, instead of measuring ones self against other people.

In those words are the very kernel of our society, our republic, our Nation. As we fail to either Lead or Follow, and instead allow ourselves to be Subjects of the endless flow of would-be Rulers, the eternal rebirth of America in each generation withers and begins to cease altogether.

The Revolution starts in your own mind.

Why I Am Not A Conservative

The short version- the conservative movement is packed with people who are guilty of being stereotypically conservative. In other words, they are conservative because it is easier for them to think of themselves that way than to actually challenge their own worldview with any kind of new point of view. Below, I try to explain how even after challenging ones own world-view with pretty much every new idea that comes down the pike, the basic ideas advocated by Conservatives are still right.

But because one had the stones to actually put ones own dearly held (convenient!) convictions to the test, the Challenge only strengthens those convictions, tempers them. So why am I not a conservative? Essentially because "conservative ideals" lack the razor sharp hard edge that comes from thrusting them into the white-hot forge of intellectual honesty and real spiritual will.

Conservatism is, ideally, the method of progress by which what has worked is embraced, and what hasn't worked is replaced by new ways of doing things which do work. These "new ways" having long and slow periods of development based on time-tested standards of success, to eventually emerge as a "new good idea".

Unfortunately, most conservatives reject outright anything that is new and seek instead to further dependence on what is old by any means nescessary. This action is not taken intentionally, but rather is the result of habit.

This is the Ruling principle of Conservationism; not to Lead by exemplary action and values, but to rule by facilitating a dependency on former actions and values. Whether a Conservative seeks to Rule or to Lead depends entirely on whether he seeks to facilitate dependency or independence. To Rule is to facilitate dependency on the Ruler. To Lead is to facilitate the independence of others by being so powerful an example of Independence ones self that others choose willingly and enthusiastically to follow.

New ways of thinking, new perspectives, new schools of analysis arise naturally from the organism that is civilization. The Next Age exists in a fetal state within the Current Age until it is ready to be born on its own. In this way, The World constantly renews its self. It is in this late fetal state than any new substantial principle is in its most formative stage, its very existence only now becoming known to exterior influences.

It is in this stage that new principles are aborted outright by Conservatives. At this point the Anti-Conservatives seize upon the new principle (dead on arrival), name it, give its name meaning, and essentially adopt it to their fold and adapt it to their cause. Then Conservatives wave their fingers at the walking corpse and say, "Oh my god, a zombie, re-kill it now!".

Anti-Conservatism is simply the opposite of Conservatism: as Conservatism accepts outright and without critical analysis, the established norms and fundamental principles of established society; Anti-Conservatism rejects outright and without critical analysis, the same established norms and fundamental principles of established society. The only true progressives in this world are Individuals who are independent either Conservatism or Anti-Conservatism.

So I am neither Conservative or Anti-Conservative but am instead an Individual, and as a self-aware individual am a critical analyst of the deepest skepticism and most extreme intellectual conscience.

Conservatism and "Liberalism" in America have initiated so little original thought or analysis in the past many decades that each deserves the "pop" prefix. Pop as in "popular", without real substance, a demonstration of appearances rather than an initiation of ideals into action. Pop is linear, one-sided, top-down, shallow and dystopian, and ultimately nihilist because it really is only a form of entertainment that serves to distract us from the actual problems of the day.

So I am no more a "Conservative" than I am a fan of pop-rock. Though I may find myself humming a catchy toon or bit of lyric from either pop-conservatism or pop-rock, I could never see either as anything to really take too seriously. Pop-Conservatism being the "bubble-gum rock" of middle aged psyches, it serves only as a distracting form of wish-fulfillment fantasy.

Most of you aren't worth your Fathers or your Grandfathers and you fucking know it. They had balls bigger than your perception of the entire universe. Do something about that. Grow a pair.

Best concise explanation of economics to date

This is probably the best concise explanation of economics that exists today. Listen to the rap and be schooled by old-schoolers who not only knew the way, they invented it.

psst.....Hayek is right, in fact he totally explains exactly what is happening to our current economy. In other words, why it sucks.

Another breakthrough in Quantum Mechanics

By using a quantum device to control a mechanical object, researchers have linked the mind-bending laws of quantum physics to the tangible, everyday world.

In very plain words, the experiment showed that the object existed in two states simultaneously- it was vibrating and "not vibrating" at exactly the same time.

Can't get enough

....more art deco

Thank you, Henri Privat-Livemont.

Things do eventually go full circle:

  • famous art deco poster which originally was an advertisement for absinthe>

  • absinthe the morbidish liquor which has been undergoing something of a comeback amongst the peers and emasculated 'droogs' of folks such as the wonderful writer Poppy Z Brite ("His Mouth Will Taste of Wormwood"), this peerage and drooghood otherwise known as (pop)goth>

  • (pop)goth finding its own resurgence due to some kind of covert activity of the same primal archetype that C.G. Jung warned about/celebrated in his fantastic essay "Wotan">

  • Wotan being Odin, Odin being called Woden by the ancient Saxons, this blog being called The PostModern Saxon.

"Secret of the Gothick God" (authored by Stephen Flowers PhD Germanic Studies).

"Wotan" (authored by C.G. Jung, founder of analytical psychology).

Maybe mystical non-sense, but a fun little ride none the less.

for love of the absurd-



Boing Boing

Now Yous Can't Leave

The allegory of this video won't be lost on anyone who has a clue. We, Americans, have been tolerant of 'a new way', of different kinds of people and world views. Despite the obvious recklessness and failure of their appearance and manner, we once said, "have a seat at our table". They tried to wreck our table and now we are kindly (via the tea parties etc) offering them the opportunity to 'get out'. One can only wonder if our kind, CIVIL, warnings will be heeded.

Humane Agitprop

The site, "A Human Right" has been online for quite a few years now and is really one of the hidden treasures on the web.

The imagery of the site is stunning, beautiful, and effective.

God, I Love the Chrysler Building

...there is a certain kind of art deco that just captures the moment when 2000 years of western cultural evolution was articulated through architecture and industrial design into wide, beautifully curved, symmetrical patterns of civilization penetrating the dawning, rapidly unfolding future. "When the chrome was thick and the women straight", as Michael Savage says. More on all of this later....

Bob Hope Rocks, and Zombies

Defined (from The Urban Dictionary):

"Obama Zombie
One who has political beliefs motivated by social image.

One who refuses to make political decisions independent of the media.

Obama Zombies present themselves as very political."

Jason Mattera even wrote a book on the phenomenon:

....and these good folks even have a pretty huge forum on the subject of surviving the "Zombie Apocalypse", though the degree to which 'zombie' is meant to be allegorical is up to you to decide: Zombie Hunters

Savage Agiprop

Michael Savage's "The Savage Nation", the web counterpart to Savage's fantastic radio program. Michael Savage is a rare breed, an old school, multifaceted individual. Savage (and the few left that are like him, like many of our Fathers and Uncles and Mentors from childhood) is often unfairly criticized for being 'radically conservative', anti-this or anti-that.

The only substance to this criticism is that he is "one-sided" in his views. But even this shred of critical substance is deeply hypocritical: note that as how the old-schoolers slowly die and their numbers dwindle that as a society we have fewer and fewer multifaceted individuals.

Note that as they leave us (how sad we are that they go!), any true dissent in this Nation fades and pales, loses its color. True old-school dissent is replaced by "dissent" as mere establishment propaganda, dividing us against ourselves, punishing real civil discourse and encouraging blind obedience. Few people in the media could ever live up to the example set by those such as H.L. Mencken. Michael is one.

May you live forever, Dr Savage!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Note to America: Snap out of it and start kicking ass like you know how

This clip sums many things for me: The Saxon attitude in general, why societies (including value-systems) evolved in harsher climates generally tend to do better than those evolved in more mild climates, and really a dose what the western world needs today.

The clip is from the short-run HBO show "Deadwood", set in the late 1800's. The guy doing the talking is Al Swearingen, the 'Boss' of the town of Deadwood. Al is a multi-faceted character who will do whatever it takes to keep his town running. It is interesting to note that this character is an "Englishman" (emigrated from England in his early childhood). To me, the character is a clear allegory of the English (Saxon) conquerer of America, and the show its self an allegory of the English conquest of 'the new world'.

What is Saxon?

Saxon- The ancient civilization of which America is the most recent form. Used in the same sense as "Anglo-Saxons".

Post-Modern- Right now, this period of time after the modern age.

Politics- Enlightenment era revolutionary America, Jeffersonian; think non-racial Libertarian Nationalism.

History- (way oversimplified)

*Some Northern European germanic tribes formed a confederation under a dominant tribe (The Saxons)

**Saxon confederation was coherent enough for long enough a time to establish social, legal, economic, cultural and linguistic institutions separate from other tribal-confederacies.

** Saxons were able to maintain independence from Roman Hegemony and military rule, unlike most other Germanic tribes and confederacies of the time.

**Roman Empire falters and Saxons conquer the British Isles

**Saxon leaders fight amongst themselves for bigger chunks of the Island as 'the french' under Charlemagne wipe out the continental Saxon civilization.

**England (from the 'Angle' part of 'Anglo-Saxon) is invaded and dominated by the Normans (essentially french vikings). Norman Rule relies on compliance from Anglo-Saxon Nobles in order to maintain power. Important to point out that even so dominated, the power system is not entirely centralized or dictatorial.

**Saxon Nobles get tired of being dominated by Norman rule and demand to be ruled in a more traditionally Saxon way. The Magna Carta is the result.

**The New World is discovered and soon dominated by Saxons (the English). These colonists (like their Noble predecessors), come to the conclusion that they are not being Governed under a traditionally Saxon style rule, and so petition the English King.

**The King essentially ignores these petitions, which in part causes the Nobles amongst the American colonists to declare their independence from English Rule with the intent of establishing a Nation that is constituted more from the ancient institutions and traditions of their Saxon forefathers than the watered down "English" rule which they had known, even as Englishmen.

One important note: The Romans rubbed off big time on the Germanic tribes they had dominated, and this huge influence can be seen through the development of the Nations that would eventually form from these tribes. The Saxons being largely free of Roman influence maintained over the centuries a more 'inherently Germanic development, and this independence is likewise reflected in the development of the Nations that would evolve from the Saxons (America being the primary example).

That is a bare-bones primer, and for as tedious and shallow as it may sound, the reader should reflect for a moment on what is meant by 'the ancient institutions and traditions...of Saxon forefathers'. I refer you to the American Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights for a summary of what those institutions and traditions are.

The kernel of the entire thing is that the individual is sovereign, not any head of state, official, or king. From this flows many streams, for example: The principle that leaders are selected by followers. And not even necessarily through an official electoral process, but through the emulation of example, and sheer personal loyalty. A leader worthy of following not only provides an example worthy of repeating, but also inspires personal loyalty. THAT is leadership. A ruler simply rules by decree, whether or not the ruled consent.

This will all be explained in detail, later.