Saturday, April 3, 2010

What is Saxon?

Saxon- The ancient civilization of which America is the most recent form. Used in the same sense as "Anglo-Saxons".

Post-Modern- Right now, this period of time after the modern age.

Politics- Enlightenment era revolutionary America, Jeffersonian; think non-racial Libertarian Nationalism.

History- (way oversimplified)

*Some Northern European germanic tribes formed a confederation under a dominant tribe (The Saxons)

**Saxon confederation was coherent enough for long enough a time to establish social, legal, economic, cultural and linguistic institutions separate from other tribal-confederacies.

** Saxons were able to maintain independence from Roman Hegemony and military rule, unlike most other Germanic tribes and confederacies of the time.

**Roman Empire falters and Saxons conquer the British Isles

**Saxon leaders fight amongst themselves for bigger chunks of the Island as 'the french' under Charlemagne wipe out the continental Saxon civilization.

**England (from the 'Angle' part of 'Anglo-Saxon) is invaded and dominated by the Normans (essentially french vikings). Norman Rule relies on compliance from Anglo-Saxon Nobles in order to maintain power. Important to point out that even so dominated, the power system is not entirely centralized or dictatorial.

**Saxon Nobles get tired of being dominated by Norman rule and demand to be ruled in a more traditionally Saxon way. The Magna Carta is the result.

**The New World is discovered and soon dominated by Saxons (the English). These colonists (like their Noble predecessors), come to the conclusion that they are not being Governed under a traditionally Saxon style rule, and so petition the English King.

**The King essentially ignores these petitions, which in part causes the Nobles amongst the American colonists to declare their independence from English Rule with the intent of establishing a Nation that is constituted more from the ancient institutions and traditions of their Saxon forefathers than the watered down "English" rule which they had known, even as Englishmen.

One important note: The Romans rubbed off big time on the Germanic tribes they had dominated, and this huge influence can be seen through the development of the Nations that would eventually form from these tribes. The Saxons being largely free of Roman influence maintained over the centuries a more 'inherently Germanic development, and this independence is likewise reflected in the development of the Nations that would evolve from the Saxons (America being the primary example).

That is a bare-bones primer, and for as tedious and shallow as it may sound, the reader should reflect for a moment on what is meant by 'the ancient institutions and traditions...of Saxon forefathers'. I refer you to the American Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights for a summary of what those institutions and traditions are.

The kernel of the entire thing is that the individual is sovereign, not any head of state, official, or king. From this flows many streams, for example: The principle that leaders are selected by followers. And not even necessarily through an official electoral process, but through the emulation of example, and sheer personal loyalty. A leader worthy of following not only provides an example worthy of repeating, but also inspires personal loyalty. THAT is leadership. A ruler simply rules by decree, whether or not the ruled consent.

This will all be explained in detail, later.

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